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General wiring method skills

2022-08-24 16:38:29

Integrated wiring is a modular, highly flexible information transmission channel within or between buildings. Through it, voice equipment, data equipment, switching equipment and various control equipment can be connected with the information management system, and at the same time, these equipments can be connected with the external communication network. It also includes all cables and related connection components between the connection point of the network or telecommunication line outside the building and the application system equipment.

Integrated wiring consists of components of different series and specifications, including: transmission media, related connection hardware (such as patch panels, connectors, sockets, plugs, adapters) and electrical protection equipment. These components can be used to build a variety of subsystems, all of which have their own specific purpose, are easy to implement, and can be upgraded smoothly as needs change.

A network is a connected system that connects independent devices together and enables them to share information and resources. Proper design and implementation of a network system can improve the speed and reliability of communications, thereby making a system work more efficiently. The construction of the network should meet the requirements of published national and international standards, and should be able to continuously evolve and upgrade as business requirements change.

With the widespread use of computers, people are paying more and more attention to the topic of networking and wiring. Previously, IT managers were concerned with communication systems only on the phone. In contrast, they now have to deal with more complex and faster-changing computing and information systems. In the past, desktop computers often worked independently. Now that has changed. At present, more than 50% of commercial computers are connected to the local area network, which can greatly improve work efficiency.


A local area network can connect computers with servers and peripherals, or provide signal paths for sensors, cameras, monitors, and other electronic devices. If these links were on an ad hoc basis, the work area would quickly become cluttered with indistinguishable cables, making troubleshooting and maintenance nearly impossible.

Integrating electronic devices that perform tasks such as computing, building security, and environmental control into an integrated system will yield even greater benefits. As the number of these independent devices increases, the advantages of these devices working together become more apparent. Of course, the demand for equipment links will also increase accordingly. The situation is also changing for companies that already have complex computer systems. The transition from traditional mainframes and microcomputers to client/server systems means that private networks are bound to be replaced by open systems.

The use of the web is also being expanded into new areas. For the first time, many managers will face the problem of how to develop cabling strategies for network security systems, video conferencing systems, and multimedia information systems. As the role of the network continues to expand in this way, all management personnel need to have knowledge of the network.

network construction strategy

The choice of network and cable type is primarily determined by the types of devices that need to be connected, their location and how they are used. Before starting planning, it is necessary to give a description of the potential load on the network. When a network serves multiple systems, careful consideration should be given to the peaks in their mixed data traffic.

For a complete new system, the main task of load assessment is to calculate the number of network nodes and ask each department for the "worst-case" usage requirements. When replacing an existing system, monitor how the system is being used for a week or more before planning the replacement. When software upgrades are also part of a system upgrade, such as upgrading a computer from a DOS environment to a Windows environment, complex assessments of the network can be difficult. However, the software vendor may then give an estimate of network traffic. In the planning stage, planning for future needs and planning for current needs should be given equal importance.

The average target life cycle of the cabling system is 15 years, which is in line with the major building refurbishment cycle. During this time, there will be significant changes to the system's computer hardware, software, and usage. The throughput, reliability and security requirements of the network will certainly increase.

In the early stage of network construction, as an important part of the work, professionals should also formulate detailed technical indicators for the network. Creating rough specifications for networking and cabling is a common mistake made by IT administrators. An immature network can crash the system at a very high cost, so it is unwise to save money excessively during the installation phase of the network.

Integrated wiring skills and methods

Here are some key factors to consider when developing detailed network specifications:

Usage patterns, including mixed flow size and peak load duration for all applications

· Number of users and possible growth rate

the location of the user and the longest distance between them

The possible probability of a change in the user's location

· Connections to current and future computers and software

· Free space for cable routing

The total investment of the network owner

·Regulations and safety requirements

The importance of preventing service loss and data breaches

Guidelines for selecting a network configuration

There are three commonly used data network topologies. They are ring, bus and star. A ring network, as the name suggests, uses a continuous ring to connect each device together. It ensures that the signal sent by one device can be seen by all other devices on the ring. In a simple ring network, damage to any component in the network will cause the system to fail, preventing the entire system from working properly. The ring network with advanced structure improves this defect to a great extent.

token ring

An example of a ring network is the Token Ring LAN, which has transmission rates of 4Mbit/s and 16Mbit/s. This network structure was first introduced by IBM, but is now used by other manufacturers. In a Token Ring network, a device with a "token" allows data to be transmitted across the network. This ensures that only one device in the network can transmit information at a certain time.

line network

A bus network uses a certain length of cable, the necessary high-speed communication link, to connect devices together. Devices can be removed from the bus without affecting the operation of other devices in the system. The most important implementation in the bus network is Ethernet, which has become the standard of local area network. Devices connected to the bus check the data sent to themselves by monitoring the information sent on the bus. Collision occurs on Ethernet when two devices want to send data at the same time, but the negative effects of collision can be minimized using a protocol called Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) .

star network

A star network consists of many point-to-point connections through a central device. In a telephone network, this central structure is the PABX. In a data network, such devices are hosts or hubs. In a star network, devices can be added and removed very easily without affecting the operation of other devices in the system.

wiring noun

100Base-T4 100 Mbit/s Fast Ethernet using 4-pair Category 3 cable.

100Base-TX 100 Mbit/s Fast Ethernet using 2-pair Category 5 cable.

100VG-AnyLAN A 100 Mbit/s local area network using the Demand Priority Protocol firstly developed by Hewlett-Packard and AT&T.

10 Base-T uses unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable to meet the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 standard (same as Ethernet) for a local area network with a transmission rate of 10 Mbps.

·Temporary wiring system The wiring system scheme of the wiring system is realized by using different types of wiring components produced by multiple manufacturers.

Analog Transmission: The way in which a signal is transmitted using continuous variables and direct physical measurements (such as voltage, etc.) to represent a signal.

· Application A system in which the transmission mode associated with it is supported by a telecommunications cabling system.

Application Layer The highest layer (Layer 7) of the Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI). This layer is mainly used to support communication between user applications and management applications, such as e-mail applications, file transfer applications, and so on.

Asynchronous Two or more signal sources use independent clock signals, so they have different frequencies and phases.

Asynchronous data transmission A method of transmitting data that requires the transmission of numbers or alphabetic symbols (represented by 7 to 8 binary digits) preceded by start or end bits to form a 7/8-bit method in (digital) transmission Data transmission over the medium.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) A high-speed, cell-based switching technology that uses a variety of techniques to place signals such as voice, data, and video in fixed-length packets (cells). These units travel along the switching path, and they do not arrive at the receiver in a fixed order (hence the term asynchronous).

Attenuation A phenomenon in which the signal decreases as the length of the transmission line or the distance of the radio wave increases.

·Trunk line An integral part of the integrated wiring system, including a main cable wiring and corresponding facilities used to support the connection from the equipment room to the upstairs, or the wiring room on the same floor.

Balanced Circuit A circuit used to generate equal and opposite signals, which feeds these signals into two conductors. The better the balance characteristics of the circuit, the less the signal will scatter and the better its noise suppression characteristics (and therefore the better its EMC performance).

Balanced Twisted Pair Cable A cable consisting of one or more pairs of metallic symmetrical cable units (twisted-pair or quad-pair).

Balun Transformer A device used to achieve impedance matching between balanced and unbalanced lines, usually between twisted pair and coaxial cables.

Bandwidth The available frequency range for transmitting information on a channel. It is an indicator used to represent the channel transmission capability. Therefore, the wider the bandwidth, the greater the amount of information the circuit can transmit. Bandwidth is in Hz, bit/s, or (for fiber).

Cabling: What is PDS

AT&T's Systimax PDS (Premises Distribution System) integrated wiring system uses a single wiring system to integrate the entire communication, including the wiring required for voice, data, image, monitoring and other equipment.

International Standard for PDS

The components used in AT&T's PDS structured cabling system are designed by Bell Labs in accordance with the standards of the American Electronics Industry Association and the Telecommunications Industry Association, and have passed the tests according to these standards before leaving the factory. The main standards are:

EIA/TIA-568 Civil Building Cable Standard

EIA/TIA-569 Standard for Communication Channels and Spaces in Civil Buildings

IEEE 802.3 bus-based Ethernet local area network standard

IEEE 802.5 Loop LAN Standard

ANSI FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface High Speed Local Area Network Standard

TPDDI copper wire distributed data interface high-speed local area network standard

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode Standard

RS232 RS422 asynchronous and synchronous transmission standard

Composition of PDS

PDS mainly realizes data and voice communication, that is, to meet the needs of computer local area network LAN and program-controlled exchange PBX. Computers are connected to network equipment, and telephones and fax machines are connected to the telephone exchange. PDS follows the physical topology structure of the telephone system, adopts the star-shaped structured wiring method, and the data is consistent with the wiring structure of the telephone. This structure has high reliability, the change of one node will not affect the work of other nodes, and the structure is also simple. Easy to expand, easy to maintain, and good reliability.

PDS is mainly composed of the following 6 parts

Equipment room subsystem:

It mainly refers to the telephone switchboard room of the voice system and the network equipment room of the data system. The subsystem is mainly composed of patch panels and cables connecting the patch panels and equipment.

Distribution frame system: refers to the distribution frame on all floors except the equipment room.

Vertical trunk subsystem: Provide vertical cables to form communication channels between floors and the outside world.

Horizontal trunk subsystem: Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is usually used to extend the vertical trunk to the user's work area, and fiber optic cables can also be used for the horizontal trunk when high-speed applications are required.

Workspace subsystem: consists of information sockets and connections to user equipment.

Building complex subsystem: refers to the extension of cables in one building to another building, including cables, optical cables and some electrical protection equipment.

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