During the termination process, fiber optic connectors must be cut before they can be polished, and using a laser cutter can improve yield and fiber optic connector performance.
Laser cutting (integrated debonding and epoxy removal) has been considered as a solution to the following problems: mechanical cutting problems related to operators and tools, epoxy bead size, overuse of consumable materials in polishing and joining device challenge.
Part of the solution found with laser-based cutting systems is the elimination of multiple manual steps in the fiber optic connector termination process. Combining cleaving, deglue and epoxy removal into one laser-based processing step has been a big change for the industry.
Fiber Polishing
One-step polishing after laser cutting
With the standardization of 4G wireless networks, the growth of cloud storage and computing, and the push for faster network data rates, it is imperative to use the highest quality passive interconnect systems. While the robustness and size of these interconnects, fiber type and cable management all play a major role in the backbone, what happens at the tip of the connector also greatly affects the optical performance of the system.
First, high-quality connectors with tight-tolerance ferrule holes in both size and concentricity must be used. Connector termination involves several processing steps. Each step has its own processing issues.
For cable preparation, it is important not to damage the fiber during the stripping process. Fiber optic chips cause light loss. Once the connector is installed, the correct amount of epoxy and the correct cure schedule are critical. Too much epoxy and the spring will lock; too little and voids will form. If the correct temperature is not reached within the proper time, the epoxy will not fully cure. In both cases, the longevity of the connector will be marginalized.
After the cable is prepared, the connector is installed and crimped, and the epoxy is cured, the end face needs to be processed. These steps include cleaving (also known as scoring and breaking) and polishing. Cutting and polishing will bring the connectors to the required specifications. Defects in any of these steps can cause yield issues. These steps also affect subsequent steps and may cause further problems in the termination process.
Standard polishing for single-mode fiber optic connectors typically consists of three to five polishing steps, starting with a relatively coarse epoxy to remove grit and progressing to a final lapping film that is .02 um thick. Some intermediate steps use a relatively expensive diamond film that is used multiple times to minimize the CoC (“cost of consumption”) per connector.