A CDR (Optical Distribution Cabinet) is a dedicated high-density patch cord management cabinet that can be used as a central cross-connect in the main distribution area of a data center. With a coverage depth of only 300 mm, the CDR is fully modular, expandable to 1620 ports (3240 fiber) with LC connections and 1080 ports (25920 fibers) with MTP connections. Users benefit from a C-shaped structure that allows frontal mounting and access to all internal sub-elements. This important feature means that the CDR can be placed back-to-back on a single floor tile or against an unused wall to minimize space consumption.
cdr wiring closet
The CDR cabinet is the most flexible and scalable fiber management cabinet on the market. Different fiber performances, connection types and applications can be mixed and matched within the same cabinet, allowing the overall solution to evolve at the same speed as the data center.
CDR enclosures are adaptable to any environment and can be configured to meet any requirement. Its various accessories simplify fiber management and improve cabling.
CDR 300
The 300mm wide cabinet is available as a stand-alone cabinet, providing more fiber management for standard 900mm CDRs when extra-long management on both sides is required.
600mm wide cabinets are available as empty cabinets.
CDR 600
The 600mm wide cabinet is supplied as an empty cabinet. LISA enclosures can be installed in the field to accept different types of LISA cartridges, depending on the desired performance or type of connection.
The 900mm wide cabinet has integrated jumper management on the right side.
CDR 900
The 900mm wide cabinet has integrated jumper management on the right side. It facilitates installation of standard LISA chassis for pigtail splices or MTP-LC splits. The 900 mm wide cabinets are typically used for 1G and 10G serial transmissions that require a standard LC connector interface. 900mm wide cabinets are available as empty cabinets. LISA enclosures can be installed in the field to accept different types of LISA cartridges, depending on the desired performance or type of connection.
CDR 1200
The CDR 1200 is designed as a dedicated "patch frame" and is configured by adding a 300mm wide fiber optic extra long cabinet to the left of a standard 900mm cabinet. The CDR 1200 is configured to provide an equal amount of fiber management on both sides of the cabinet. The 1200mm wide cabinet is ideal for patch cord applications with standard connections (jumper or fan-out) or 40G and 100G applications requiring MTP connectivity.
Specifically designed to meet the needs of the colocation market, the CDR 1500 manages passive optical components through physical isolation.
CDR 1500
The CDR 1500 is designed to meet the needs of the colocation market, which is used to manage passive optical components with physical separation (clear demarcation point) between customer and provider. The cabinet is designed for LISA bidirectional access applications. The CDR 1500 features a 3-cabinet design (600/300/600 mm) for easy transport, field handling and installation, helping installers minimize installation time and costs.