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OM5 fiber patch cord integrates into data center using 5G technology

2022-05-24 16:52:40

This comes as some operators are working to take advantage of improvements in the new OM5 fiber patch cords to realize the promise of low latency, high bandwidth, and the ability to handle millions of unique devices in 5G networks. Industry experts recommend incorporating 5G technology into cloud computing and data centers.

The 5G era is coming

Edge computing (EC) reiterates the basic model of moving data processing from devices at the perimeter of the network to the cloud. Google has been experimenting for two decades with clients such as smartphones, personal computers and Chromebooks as input devices for text, voice, images and video, and the real work is done in large data centers. Again, Apple and Microsoft have been following the same model, with Microsoft moving Windows desktops to the Azure cloud. Outside of the traditional data center space, Tesla Inc. is using its electric fleet for daily data collection, enhancing its development and evolution in autonomous driving and the use of Wi-Fi as a broadband link.

Edge computing (EC) is an emerging technology, and the communications industry is trying to embrace the term and make it even better with 5G. On July 18, 2017, AT&T already stated that 5G will utilize OM5 fiber optic patch cords to help reduce latency in cloud computing to the millisecond level to help emerging applications such as autonomous vehicles and augmented reality/virtual reality applications. As mentioned above, technology pioneer Tesla Inc seems to be working just fine without 5G support.

Virtual reality (VR) is not and will not be a mobile app, as a well-functioning experience requires local computing, and augmented reality (AR) already works in existing mobile technology - as evidenced by the popularity of Pokemon games.


Virtual reality in the 5G era

Google Glass is a consumer failure case, but the recently rebooted "Enterprise Edition" shows the technology's true value. Training and maintenance applications for many other augmented reality (AR) systems currently operating in vertical markets operate without the need for 5G.

That's not to say 5G won't have a major impact on data centers or existing networks. Lower latency at the edge of the network and the potential for gigabit speeds mean more upstream issues need to be addressed. If anything, 5G technology shifts potential bottlenecks from edge and wireless technology back to the cloud. Everyone in the IT information chain must reduce network infrastructure and server response times to get the best results when 5G arrives.

5G will be an important factor in data center planning, and many operators are experimenting, but the actual 5G standard won't be available until next year. Rather than some "pre-5G" or "5G-ready" kits that will be the concept of operator hype before 2020, people are starting to see 5G end-user devices.

Simulation application scenarios of OM5 fiber patch cords in the 5G era

In the data center, the two most important areas for hardware refresh/upgrade will be in the range of single-digit latency, at least matching OM5 fiber patch cord 5G response time and at least 100Gbps network speed to match 5G multiple requirements. After the official launch of 5G, low latency and a large amount of bandwidth will become the minimum requirements for the "5G capability" of the data center.

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