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Application and advantages of MPO pre-terminated optical cable in data center

2022-04-20 16:26:40

MPO pre-terminated fiber optic cables are a very important feature in existing integrated cabling systems. Not only does it have stable transmission, but it is very fast in an integrated wiring structure, eliminating the need for previously soldered fiber optic cables. In this way, the loss at the splice point of the fiber optic link can also be reduced to zero since most of the loss in the previous fiber optic link came from the splice point.

mpo fiber patch cord

In the past, termination of fiber optic links was done through field operations, often requiring a lot of manpower and time. Nonetheless, some data center engineers are still using this method to terminate and route fiber links, which poses a risk to the performance and stability of the data center.

Pre-terminated fiber optic cabling solutions (i.e. fiber optic cabling products) are terminated and tested at the factory and are 100% tested. Compared to field-terminated fiber optic cabling solutions, pre-terminated fiber optic cabling solutions offer the following advantages:

1. Improve wiring efficiency at lower cost

Today, data centers are developing towards 40G/100G. If the traditional on-site termination method is used for the wiring of the data center, a lot of optical fiber fusion and optical cable management will be performed, which is time-consuming and laborious, and the final wiring effect is not ideal. MPO pre-terminated fiber optic cabling products are plug-and-play and require no additional installation tools, thus minimizing cabling time and labor costs. Most importantly, using pre-terminated fiber cabling products ensures stable cabling system performance.

mpo fiber patch cord

mpo fiber patch cord application scenarios

2. It is easier to achieve high-density wiring

There are a variety of pre-terminated fiber optic cabling products on the market today. These products feature a modular design that saves space for wiring ports and cables, enabling higher cabling density in a given space. In addition, this box-shaped structure also has the characteristics of flexibility, plug and play, and convenient wiring.

3. Ensure the quality and flexibility of the cable system

MPO pre-terminated fiber optic cabling products can not only improve the efficiency of data center cabling, but also ensure network performance. The quality of on-site terminations and welding is closely related to the skill level of the construction personnel, so the final result cannot be guaranteed. Pre-terminated fiber optic cabling products are factory tested to ensure reliability and performance stability from production to deployment. Not only that, but pre-terminated fiber cabling is also very flexible and scalable, and more adaptable to future network upgrades.

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