While the adoption and deployment of 100G systems and related equipment in data centers has been growing at a steady rate over the past few years, network equipment manufacturers have begun to take the next step by developing 400G optics as well as optical modules and transmission systems to meet the Greater bandwidth requirements.
Similar to how various technical approaches were devised to achieve 100G (eg 10x10G, 4x25G, etc.) using multi-fiber MPO connections or duplex LC connections (depending on the application) over multiple transmit/receive formats, so is 400G. Therefore, when designing, testing or deploying 400G optics, engineers must have a way to effectively simulate real-world links in order to obtain the most accurate performance results.
Determine the fiber type and distance of the link
When simulating any fiber link in a test environment, the accepted best practice is to utilize the same length of fiber that will be deployed in the actual network, as this is the only way to accurately replicate all key performance characteristics. Due to differences in various fiber types and subtle differences in performance specifications between fiber manufacturers, matching fiber types as closely as possible will yield the most accurate results.
In addition to fiber type, the fiber length used when simulating the link is also important. Fortunately, industry standards have been developed that specify not only fiber types, but also distances associated with different 400G optics and applications.
Optical module
Here are some examples of 400G optics industry specifications that define maximum transmission distances, number and types of fibers, and connection interfaces:
400GBase-LR8; QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver: 8x50G, 10km SMF, Duplex LC Interface
400GBase-FR8; QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver: 8x50G, 2km SMF, Duplex LC Interface
400GBase-SR8 ; QSFP-DD optical module: 8x50G, 100m OM4 MMF, MPO interface
Using known information and industry standards, engineers designing, testing or deploying these optics and systems now have the information needed to simulate the corresponding link.
Hardware Setup Configuration and Options
Once specific needs have been identified based on the necessary fiber types and lengths, the next step is to select the best solution for the test environment.
To meet engineers' different test goals in the lab, working with an established network emulation solution provider such as M2 Optics, a variety of setup configurations can be selected, as well as the necessary customization needed to achieve the goals. Do you prefer rack mount or portable solutions? What is the most space-efficient setting? What precision do you need in length or delay values?
All of these are important considerations when considering your 400G setup configuration, but working with an established partner such as M2 Optics will help you identify the setup that offers the most value to match your testing goals.
Now is the future of analog 400G networks/links
While deploying a 400G system will take similar time to previous 10G and 100G types, the good news for communications engineering teams is that an effective solution is already available to simulate the relevant physical links in test labs. Whether you're a network equipment manufacturer that needs to simulate many different links to certify multiple 400G equipment formats, or you're a network engineer specifying optics and qualifying the best suppliers in the pre-deployment phase, this is ZR Fiber's Custom settings can be built according to your exact application needs and test environment needs.