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copper cable transmission

2022-06-29 16:32:09

One of the benefits of using fiber optic cables is that they can transmit data at very high rates. When you choose to replace copper with fiber optic cables, you have the opportunity to enjoy extremely high bandwidth. But that's not the only advantage that fiber-optic transmission offers. Here are some other benefits it brings.


Optical cables can transmit data over long distances.

In addition to transmitting data faster than copper cables, fiber optic cables are also capable of transmitting data over longer distances than copper cables. Fiber optic cables have very low power losses, which means that signals can travel long distances without problems.


Fiber optic technology offers better performance.

Data rates are increasing rapidly, and unfortunately, copper cables cannot keep up with them. They can't send high-speed signals without errors. However, fiber optic technology can transmit data very quickly.

 FTTH Cable

It is thinner and lighter than copper cable.

When you put fiber optic cables next to copper cables, it becomes clear why fiber optic cables have the upper hand. Fiber optic cables are about 10% the size of copper cables, and many functional jackets are translucent. This makes them seem invisible when you compare them to bulky copper cables.


They are more resistant to electromagnetic interference than copper cables.

There are various things that can cause EMI inside copper cables. Substations etc. are known to cause interference and corrupt the signal. But the bit error rate of fiber optic cable is very low, which makes it extremely resistant to electromagnetic interference. When you rely on fiber optic transmission, you will experience almost no noise.


Compared to copper cables, they are able to keep data safe.

Worried about someone "snooping" on the fiber optic cable and stealing data? Since the security risk of fiber optic cables is very low, there is no need to worry at all. There is no reliable way to see the data traveling within the fiber optic cable, which makes accessing it difficult. Not so with copper cables, which have a higher security risk.

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