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What is the loss of ordinary optical cable after bending

2022-06-24 16:26:45

In fiber optic cable installation, one of the most common concerns has to do with whether or not to bend the fiber optic cable. Worry about this question arises naturally: If a fiber optic cable is bent, say around a corner, will that damage the fiber optic cable? Or more importantly, will this affect the transmission quality? Answer: Yes.


However, you don't have to worry too much. You just need to consider the information we'll show you below to resolve any questions about bending (or non-bending) fiber optic cables. Under ideal conditions, there should be no light loss in the cable, which is one of the biggest characteristics of the cable in the first place. However, the scene surrounding our actual installation is far from that dreamy or utopian setting.

Depending on how we install the fiber optic cables, from the way the connections are configured to the actual alignment of the fiber optic cables, the operational losses that are unavoidable in the real world can be reduced or increased, and it is in this gap where controls play an essential role! The control should be based on reliable information. Having said that, you should be aware of a parameter called "bend radius".

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fiber optic cable

In other words, the smaller the bend radius, the more flexible the cable. Some manufacturers indicate bend radii for fiber optic cables (Catford does, in the packaging and data sheets), but if you don't have that information, you should know that a typical bend radius for fiber optic patch cords is about 30mm.

Remember, you should be able to do whatever you can to reduce those inevitable losses, which is why it's so important to understand this factor: Bend losses only begin to occur when the cable is bent more than the cable's maximum bend tolerance. When installing the system, it is also important to note that not only is the casing perfectly constructed, but also the casing is connected perfectly, as a defect in either of these cases will result in a loss of dB over time.

Indoor fiber optic cable

Another factor you need to consider is stress: if the cables are tied tightly to each other, the excess cables will leak in the long run. Another situation you have to avoid is when you put something heavy on the cable, which will definitely increase the loss. (This of course only applies to indoor fiber optic cables)

As the manager of your network, you should get into the habit of constantly scrutinizing your equipment: sometimes objects move after unforeseen displacements, or get larger due to high temperatures, so that objects that didn't originally interfere with the rest of your installation may actually be Execute after a period of time. Long story short: it's okay to bend fiber optic cables, but you just have to be careful. You now know the facts that can guide you in properly designing and implementing a strategy to reduce the losses that inevitably occur when installing a network with fiber optic cables. We really hope you find this information useful and wish you all the best with your installation.

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